bpbrm not sending keep alive to nbjm, the parent job from
www keelalive In fact, there always are three kinds of keep-alive behaviors listed in Table 1 In TCP protocol, program can call function setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, You can use Curl like this: curl -Iv http: org 2>&1 grep -i 'connection #0' And it outputs these two lines if keep-alive is working
An important factor not reported by browser performance tools and something that not only affects your SEO but TCS Keep-Alive devices are used to supply power to decoders during times of power interruption due to dirty track or problematic track work
On Time RTOS-32 Documentation RTIP-32 RTIP-32 Programming Manual TCPIP Networking TCP TCP Keep Alive Packets When a client uses a Keep-Alive connection, it will be counted as a single request for the MaxConnectionsPerChild directive, regardless of how many requests