'chmod 666

THB 0.00

chmod 666 s0t4ipv6@ ar * 0x04abril0x7d2 * * int sys_chmod * { } * * Utilizando la interrupcion 15,

666 is almost always a really bad idea The web site where you read that needs a good flogging Write access for everyone means that fafa666 สล็อต The chmod ugo+rw note command can be represented in octal notation as a) chmod 555 note b) chmod 666 note c) chmod 444 note d) chmod 333

chmod 666
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chmod 666 s0t4ipv6@ ar * 0x04abril0x7d2 * * int sys_chmod * { } * * Utilizando la interrupcion 15,

chmod 777 666 is almost always a really bad idea The web site where you read that needs a good flogging Write access for everyone means that

The chmod ugo+rw note command can be represented in octal notation as a) chmod 555 note b) chmod 666 note c) chmod 444 note d) chmod 333